United Healthcare Psychiatrist in Manhattan

Psychiatrists in NY for Aetna insurance plans include the online service Skypiatrist. Learn more about online therapy.

United Healthcare Psychiatrist in Manhattan

Accessing a United Healthcare Psychiatrist in Manhattan

United Healthcare Psychiatrist in Manhattan

Are you having trouble finding a psychiatrist in Manhattan who accepts your United healthcare plan? The online mental healthcare provider Skypiatrist may be an excellent option for your family. Skypiatrist accepts United/Optum plans for clients in the NYC area; you can visit their website and input your insurance information to ensure that your treatments will be covered. Online therapy has been shown to be as effective as in-person therapy in most situations, and it has the added benefit of being very convenient!

United Healthcare Psychiatrist in Manhattan

Why Choose Skypiatrist?

Here are some of the many advantages of working with an online psychiatrist:

Why Choose Skypiatrist?

Professionals. Skypiatrist offers fully-trained and licensed psychiatrists and therapists. You’ll be matched with a particular doctor at the outset of your treatment, and all of your subsequent appointments will be with that same medical professional. You’ll have the chance to develop a relationship with your healthcare provider in the same way as you would in a traditional situation.

Privacy. Skypiatrist was designed to be an online-only service, and while some traditional psychiatrists “pivoted” to online sessions during the pandemic, Skypiatrist has systems in place that are specific to online therapy. Their HIPAA-approved video chat application doesn’t go through a server, so there is no “middleman,” maximizing privacy. With Skypiatrist, only your doctor has access to your file—no one else—providing a level of privacy that is unparalleled.

Convenience. You can schedule appointments at a time that is convenient for you, and you can tune in from wherever you are, even if you are out of town. Skypiatrist’s online booking system ensures that you will never be double-booked, and appointments begin promptly on time. You’ll never have to fight your way through Manhattan traffic to get to your doctor’s office and then do it all over again to get back home. You’ll save time and energy!

Comfort. If you have anxiety, you may not feel comfortable sitting in a waiting room with strangers. Meeting with your doctor from home, however, allows you to relax and be comfortable. And being relaxed can help you to communicate more clearly and openly with your psychiatrist.

Children and teenagers. There has been an increased rate of mental illness in young people in recent years, with some experts estimating that one in every three teenagers between 13–18 suffers from an anxiety disorder. Skypiatrist treats children from the age of 7+, and children and teens often prefer online therapy to in-person sessions. Accessing help from home allows them to feel less vulnerable and self-conscious.

Get the Treatment You Need

Living with an untreated mental illness can affect every aspect of your life, from work performance to family relationships to leisure activities. Skypiatrist professionals treat a variety of mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, OCD, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, psychosis, phobias, borderline personality disorder, ADHD, and more. They may also be able to help with issues related to drug and/or alcohol abuse.

Get the treatment you need, in the comfort of your own home!